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Where are we Going?

Another Mother's Day is coming!

I hope every mother will take time and pat herself on the back. The fact that you managed to make it through another year is a great accomplishment all by itself.

It seems your work is never done because it isn't! Even when our children become adults, there will be a sense, that the job isn't quite completed, trust me, I know.

Your title as a mother will never be taken away, and concern for your children will never completely fade away, as long as you have breath.

You are a driver, with no road map, and no road, but little ones look to you to keep the car on the invisible road. You will endure other drivers, giving you directions on how to get to the destination, which, you aren't quite sure what the destination is... but you listen patiently and sometimes, not so patiently.

So, while many say that Mother's Day is commercialized, it may be, I'm not entering that debate, I recommend that you take time and think about the good experiences you had this past year; you may want to start now, just to get some practice in before Mother's Day. Yes, reward yourself with something tangible, in some way. Too often, if no one else applauds us, we won't applaud our accomplishments. I am proposing that you give yourself a gift and a nod.

Somehow you know that God will get you there, wherever "there" is. Since you are on this roadless, mapless journey with little ones following your lead, take time this Mother's Day to rest, regroup, and focus on what you have done correctly. Before you know it, you will reach an unknown destination.

Only you and God know when you have reached the destination; soft tears will accompany the realization.

Enjoy your Mother's Day!

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