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Parenting 2023: Skills to Successfully Celebrate

Even Santa is stressed out at Christmas. Although he has all year to prepare, he finds himself needing help and support on those days right before Christmas.

Image by Free Photos, by Piaibay

Delivering gifts to picky teenagers become more difficult every year. Last year he almost shut the whole factory down, because entitled teens have increased in number and in their demands. The stress got to him!

This year Santa followed the simple strategies that were explained to him in his coaching sessions, practiced them before he was in the stressful situations, and used them whenever he could. He found his joy again. He set his elves up with their own coaching time as well, and they now use the simple strategies that were given.

I don't have the time or space to give you all of the strategies that Santa Claus and his elves received, but here are three FREE STRATEGIES to get you started on a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS.

1. Be aware of your emotions. It's important to be aware of your feelings. Christmas time with all of it's joy is also a time for issues such as: sad childhood memories, grief, loneliness, underlying anger and other unresolved problems to surface and overwhelm you.

2. Watch out for "hangry." Do not attempt to shop, decorate, cook, or do anything without eating good food. There are people who don't feel hunger. Instead, when their blood sugar gets low they feel angry. It takes energy and resolve to remain patient during the Christmas Season.

3. Don't follow every negative thought. Avoid thoughts that contribute to negative feelings. It may seem like the perfect time to take out old hurts and review them, but if you want to have a happier Christmas, don't do it. Instead focus on what is going good right now

These are three strategies; there are so many more in the gift box. Schedule your appointment to receive helpful personal and parenting coaching. Make your life and holiday more joyous.

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